The work was, in part, inspired by an opinion piece she wrote in 2019 for The Narwhal.

“In some ways, I think writing that piece down almost spurred me to take more action because it was concrete. Now it’s a real thing,” said Lem. “I like to think that every time I write a prescription for nature, that I'm doing a little part for the planet at the same time.”

While Lem’s goal is that every province and territory follow the parks prescription initiative, she hopes to also see mothers realize just how powerful their voices are — something she thinks is more prevalent south of the border with highly organized American groups that come with fancy websites and deep pockets.

“It is hard though because often as mothers, as parents, we're doing this off the side of our desks, right? Like, this is not our full-time job. My full-time job is as a family physician, and I do this after my son's asleep or on the weekends or in evenings. So that can be really hard to fit it in. But because it is so important, I think more and more parents and moms are stepping up.”


And there is power in numbers, not only politically but economically too, as women are believed to control a large share of household spending in Canada.

“So when we decide, for example, what kind of stove to buy, or what kind of housing decision to make, or even what kind of consumer goods to buy, what food to feed our families, that has a major impact on the economy within Canada. We can really wield that power to make sure that the right decisions are happening, ”stated Lem.

As a doctor, Lem also suggests parents provide more of a plant-based diet not only for the health of their kids but the environment too.

But swearing off meat has been a touchy subject for some Canadians, especially in Alberta.


It's part of a larger public opinion puzzle that Claire Kraatz, a mother of two, is trying to navigate as she helps launch a new For Our Kids chapter in cattle country.  


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